Jools j
JoinedTopics Started by Jools j
For Englishman & other Europeans
by Bendrr inok, favorite/most despised cars thread.. i'm a mechanic (undercar) in the states, and american mechanics for the most part really don't like most european cars.
the words saab, renault, and peugot will send most mechanics on an early lunch break that may last into next week or until the car leaves the shop.. a swedish person once joked about skoda cars to me in a chat room.
what do you call a skoda with twin pipes (dual exhaust)?
A deaf and blind Jehovah's Witness
by Kent inman fails in court appeal .
a deaf and blind jehovah's witness from carmarthenshire who tried to strangle his wife has failed in an appeal court bid to clear his name.
deaf and blind - in more than one way:).
GOLson's coming . . .
by Jools j in.
some time ago i gave dave a present of someone who goes by the name of golson.
he makes prophesies of the most gigantic nature.. with luck (our's at the ex-mo board) he will be distracted by you guys.. treat him as you feel, but please don't send him back to us if he comes .
This is a MUST read folks!
by GlassEye inlast night while my wife and i were reading the newspaper she said "john, you won't believe this, read dear abby".
apparently, dear abby is syndicated in newspapers throughout the u.s. i have received permission from uexpress and uclick to link this article.
it is titled church's scare tactics cause family to flee from the fold.
Noah and the Flood (more questions then answers)
by Big Jim innoah's ark.
noah's ark is the boat built by the biblical character noah.
at the command of his god, according to the story, noah was to build a boat that could accommodate his extended family, about 50,000 species of animals and about one million species of insects.
Wedding picture and Princesses
by Mulan infor anyone who is interested, here is a photo of my son and his new bride.
i know they look really young, but they are 22 and 23. young, but not terribly young.. i would have posted a photo of myself, but since i took the snapshots, i wasn't in any of them.
you will have to wait for the professional photos.
how much are the JWs worth?
by Jools j init has been said that the mormon church is worth upwards of $30 billion.
how does this compare to the jws?.
isn't extraordinary how both of these fakes keep on taking and taking (_your_money, for jw lurkers & trolls) but don't appear to put it back into society?.
Ever notice that JW's fall for marketing scams?
by bboyneko ini remember that many jw's were falling for amway scams here in the us.
one of amway's latest scams was quixtar, some internet online mall that is a complete rip-off.
quixtar even used cult-like language, making up new words.